How to become more productive while coding?
- First, create a folder or file in the project structure
- I have created a folder called styles and inside that, I created a file called CommonStyle.ts
- then add your global styles like below, I have created a global style for fonts so that I don’t have to type font family and their weight everywhere.
- After you are done with creating a global style for fonts then it’s time to use it in code
- just import fonts in your file where you want to use it, and include it in your styles
How to become more productive while coding?
- First, create a folder or file in the project structure
- I have created a folder called styles and inside that, I created a file called CommonStyle.ts
- then add your global styles like below, I have created a global style for fonts so that I don’t have to type font family and their weight everywhere.
- After you are done with creating a global style for fonts then it’s time to use it in code
- just import fonts in your file where you want to use it, and include it in your styles
How to become more productive while coding?
- First, create a folder or file in the project structure
- I have created a folder called styles and inside that, I created a file called CommonStyle.ts
- then add your global styles like below, I have created a global style for fonts so that I don’t have to type font family and their weight everywhere.
- After you are done with creating a global style for fonts then it’s time to use it in code
- just import fonts in your file where you want to use it, and include it in your styles
How to become more productive while coding?
- First, create a folder or file in the project structure
- I have created a folder called styles and inside that, I created a file called CommonStyle.ts
- then add your global styles like below, I have created a global style for fonts so that I don’t have to type font family and their weight everywhere.
- After you are done with creating a global style for fonts then it’s time to use it in code
- just import fonts in your file where you want to use it, and include it in your styles
How to become more productive while coding?
- First, create a folder or file in the project structure
- I have created a folder called styles and inside that, I created a file called CommonStyle.ts
- then add your global styles like below, I have created a global style for fonts so that I don’t have to type font family and their weight everywhere.
- After you are done with creating a global style for fonts then it’s time to use it in code
- just import fonts in your file where you want to use it, and include it in your styles
How to become more productive while coding?
- First, create a folder or file in the project structure
- I have created a folder called styles and inside that, I created a file called CommonStyle.ts
- then add your global styles like below, I have created a global style for fonts so that I don’t have to type font family and their weight everywhere.
- After you are done with creating a global style for fonts then it’s time to use it in code
- just import fonts in your file where you want to use it, and include it in your styles
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